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Strawberries and cream. Strawberries and chocolate. The options for fruity desserts just roll off the tongue. The only thing is, that a strawberry may not actually be a fruit.

Strawberries are essentially fruit, because they are linked to the reproductive cycle of the plant and contain seeds. They are not a true fruit, though, but rather a conglomerate of tiny, individual true fruits. This makes strawberries a multiple fruit.

So, a strawberry is a fruit but also not a fruit. If you find that a little confusing, then read on, as we take you through the steps.

Is strawberry a fruit?

Is strawberry a fruit?

A strawberry is a fruit, because it’s the swollen ovary of the plant, and has seeds. A single strawberry is not a true single fruit but is a conglomerate of tiny individual fruits embedded in the same common body of flesh. This makes strawberries a conglomerate or aggregate fruit.

A single, true fruit consists of a seed (seeds) enclosed by the flesh of the fruit.

These are called achenes.

A strawberry is not a true fruit, because it is a conglomerate of achenes.

This makes a strawberry a multiple fruit.

A conglomerate like the strawberry consists of tiny individual fruits embedded in fleshy fruit.

Each individual seed is the product of a single true fruit.

Is a strawberry a fruit or vegetable?

Is a strawberry a fruit or vegetable?

A strawberry is a fruit, because it’s the product of the swollen ovary of the plant and contains seeds. It is part of the reproductive cycle of a plant. A vegetable is the edible portion of a plant that is not linked to the reproductive cycle of the plant.

Asking if a plant is a fruit or vegetable is not uncommon.

A fruit is the fleshy part of the fruit that is produced from the swollen ovary.

This makes the fruit part of the reproductive cycle of the plant.

It encloses the fruit and is also part of the process of dissemination of the plant.

A vegetable is the edible, leaves, stem or root of a plant.

It is not part of the reproductive cycle.

A strawberry is produced from the ovary of the plant.

This makes it a fruit and not a vegetable.

If you’re growing strawberries in your garden, find out how to keep slugs off your strawberry plants.

Is strawberry a citrus fruit?

Is strawberry a citrus fruit?

Although strawberries have quite a bitter taste and are high in Vitamin C, they are not citrus fruits. Strawberries are a conglomerate fruit, consisting of individual achenes (true fruits). Citrus fruit is hesperidium.

A strawberry is not a true fruit on its own, because it is a conglomerate of tiny achenes or true fruits.

Strawberries are similar to citrus fruit because they are rich in vitamin C.

They are often mistaken for being citrus fruit.

Strawberries are conglomerate fruit, which means individual achenes are embedded in a fruity body.

Citrus fruits are hesperidium and are true fruit.

The characteristics of hesperidium are that they have a thick, leathery rind and partitions like parchment.

This means that strawberries cannot be classified as citrus fruit.

What makes a fruit a fruit?

What makes a fruit a fruit?

A fruit is the edible part of a flowering plant and is part of the reproductive cycle. When the female part of the plant is fertilized, the ovary swells and develops into the fruit. The function of a fruit is to protect the seed.

The basic qualities of fruit are that they are part of the reproductive cycle of a flowering plant, and they contain seeds.

Fruits are thus the edible part of a flowering plant.

All flowering plants produce seeds, which are the product of the reproductive cycle.

The female part of the plant is fertilized and the ovary swells.

It develops into a fleshy part of the plant and encloses the seeds.

The function of fruit, then, is to protect the seeds of a plant.

Fruit is also part of the dissemination of the seeds.

Do all fruits have seeds?

It is characteristic of fruits to have seeds, but not all fruits have seeds. This is natural in some fruits, but most seedless varieties are specifically developed and propagated. Seedless watermelons are one of the most popular varieties of cultivated seedless fruit.

There are some fruits that are seedless naturally, but they are rare.

Bananas and pineapples are both seedless fruit.

Most varieties of fruit that don’t have seeds are specifically cultivated.

Fruits that are actually vegetables

Fruits that are actually vegetables

There are some fruits that are actually vegetables–probably the most common being rhubarb. Although rhubarb is sweet, it’s a plant stem, not the fruit of the plant. These plants are quite sweet and are eaten as desserts, but are not part of the reproductive cycle of a plant.

There are some plants we eat like fruit, but they are actually vegetables.

This is because they are an edible part of a plant, but are not linked to the reproductive cycle.

Rhubarb is quite sweet and is eaten as a dessert, but it is the stem of the plant that is eaten, which makes it a vegetable.

Similarly, sweet potatoes are a vegetable, but are used in pies, similar to fruit pies. See whether potatoes are a vegetable or fruit.

And see whether beans are a fruit or vegetable.

Why are strawberries called strawberries?

Why are strawberries called strawberries?

The origin of the name ‘strawberry’ is not clear, especially as they are not a true berry. The name may come from the way the plants seem to be strewn across the ground, or because they are mulched with straw.

Strawberries are not a true berry but are aggregate fruit.

This means that ‘berry’ is not actually an accurate name.

It is uncertain where the name ‘strawberry’ comes from.

One thought is that it is derived from an Old English name that means ‘strewn around’

Because strawberries grow on runners, they seem to be strewn around, thus the name became ‘strawberry’.

Another thought is that the fruit got the name from the straw that is used as a mulch to grow the plants.

Wild strawberry

Wild strawberry

Wild strawberries look like a smaller version of store-bought varieties, & are ¼ – ½ inch in diameter. They are a bright red, & typically taste much sweeter & more intense than store-bought varieties. Like other strawberries, the wild variety grows on runners above the ground.

Strawberries are either grown commercially or occur in the wild.

Both varieties have red fruit, but the wild strawberries are a much brighter red than their cousins.

Wild strawberries grow on runners above the ground.

The leaves of the plants are a deep, rich green.

Extracts of wild strawberries are used in the production of some traditional cosmetics.

Are wild strawberries edible?

Are wild strawberries edible?

Wild strawberries are edible and are used successfully to make jams and in pastries. They are popular because of their rich flavor, which is sweeter & more intense than store-bought strawberries. Some people may have an allergic reaction to the berries, or they may develop stomach issues.

Wild strawberries have a rich flavor, that is richer and full of more flavor than those that are commercially grown.

This makes the wild strawberries a favorite for jams and other preserves.

They are also used in baked goods, like pastries.

The wild strawberries should be consumed with a little caution, because some people may develop stomach problems.

The leaves may also cause a mild allergic skin reaction.

Is strawberry a fruit?


A strawberry has many of the characteristics of fruit but is not a true fruit. It’s definitely not a vegetable, though. The key is that strawberries are part of the reproductive cycle of the plant. And they are sweet and delicious.

Greg Volente

Greg Volente holds a Naturalist Certificate from the Morton Arboretum, worked for The Nature Conservancy leading environmental education programs and doing natural areas restoration, and worked in the soil science research & testing lab at Michigan State University. Besides gardening, he's an avid wildflower enthusiast, and loves botanizing, hiking, and backpacking.